Randolph-Macon College has a unique Commuter Life Program housed within the Student Engagement Center. Centered around the Commuter Student Association and the Student Government Association, the program works to assist commuters with their unique needs and experiences.

Commuter life is enhanced by social and educational programs designed to strengthen this vital population. The Commuter Student Association works as a liaison between commuter students and College administrators.

Commuter Life Experiences, Services, and Information

The Commuter Student Association (CSA)

The Commuter Student Association (CSA) meets weekly on Tuesday afternoons in Brock Commons during the fall and spring semesters. CSA works diligently to develop events and activities that provide commuter students with the opportunity to be social with other commuters, as well as the wider Randolph-Macon College community.

Getting Involved on Campus

Randolph-Macon College students are involved in many different activities, organizations, and other opportunities. Student engagement is one of the highlights of the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ student – both residential and commuters – experience. The offices in the Student Engagement Center work hard to create and develop experiences, with your help, that will provide you with the opportunity to engage with friends, organizations, as well as advisors and staff!

Commuter Dining Options

Campus dining services are provided for all students with meal plans. Dining services offers a number of meal plans which are available to all students.

Additionally, commuters who wish to dine on campus but do not have a meal plan may do so by presenting their student ID and paying for their meal with a debit/credit card. Additional questions can be directed to the Office of Residence Life in the Student Engagement Center.

contact us Commuter Life

Part of the Student Engagement Center
Sara Weinstein Headshot

Sara Weinstein, Ed.d

Assistant Dean of Students